Friday, September 02, 2005

Not again

Left home late, puttered along with too many others at less than 5 mph for approximately 7 miles, for no apparent reason.

It's like, deja vu all over..oh no, please, no repeat of yesterday!

7:04 am
Traffic finally lets up at the main downtown exit and we were able to gain near-freeway speed..for two minutes.


7:06 am
Traffic grinds to a halt for miles. Radio reports a multi-car accident ahead. Ohgoody.

Things that could be worse: I could BE in that accident. I could be in Louisiana or Mississippi instead of beautiful, grid-locked Hawaii that hasn't been hit by a hurricane in over a decade. I could be in a crappy car with no stash of great tunes burned on to mp3 CDs.

7:20 am
An ambulance squeezes its way through our non-moving, bumper-to-bumper traffic. Radio reports that at least two lanes (of a three-lane freeway) are closed.

Things that could be better: I could be wasting less precious gas. I could be at work and get to pee!!

7:54 am
I finally reach the scene of the accident and can see the flashing lights. Suddenly the fire truck extracts itself, the lanes are opened right in front of me, and traffic begins to flow once again.

Things that are OK: Despite the inconvenience, I've actually enjoyed the wonderful (not-that-hot-at-this-time) weather, and the opportunity to listen to my CDs of Foo Fighters, Low Millions, Ben Folds, Green Day, Goo Goo Dolls, and more. Otherwise I usually only listen to my obsession, Butch.

8:04 am
Pull into parking lot. A one hour and eighteen minute ride for a 14-mile trip.

Several other teachers haven't rolled in yet. Bummer, not the best way to start the day.

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