Saturday, September 24, 2005

My parents have read my blog

Should I be embarrassed?

Actually, my dad did went to the site and mentioned it to my mom (who never goes online herself). And, when I say "read", I mean skimmed..or rather, dismissed.

My main blog's link was in my email's sig when I sent my father an image of us at his birthday lunch that his AOL account couldn't view, but that's beside the point. I was at their house today to update his computer when he mentioned my blog. He didn't really read much of it, but did have a few things to say about it..mainly that he didn't think it was a good idea that I had one.

You know, weird internet stalkers and freaks and all.

I told him that I didn't post anything I thought would be too revealing..or too embarrassing for others (like my parents!) to read. So what would strange stalker-like people learn about me through my blog?
    That I love the Eagles? And Butch Walker?

    That I have an overly-furry, would-have-been-dead Maine Coon stray kitty-boy whose fuzzy little life I saved?

    That I wear mostly jeans and am grateful that the BOE hasn't implemented a dress code?

    That dinosaurs have overtaken the yard?
ooh. Dunno what useful information stranger-like stalker-types would have gleaned from what I've rambled about these past months.

So I ask, those of you who are NOT stranger-like/stalker-types, have I missed anything? (Yeah, I realize some of you wouldn't comment here, so pls email me to tell me if I'm revealing too much.)


Joey Polanski said...

No, I dont think you gotta worry bout stalkrs, Hiss. What you jus witnesst is a littl nown sycological fnomenon nown as PAPANOIA. Papanoia is something that affecs EVRY papa whos worth is salt -- evry DECENT papa. Papanoia causes the suffrer to imagine peaple an forces lurkin an waitin to swoop down and hurt th offspring. As yer dad sees it, therer innernet creeps who wanna hurt you jus cause yer YOU -- or rather jus cause yer HIS lil girl, an always willbe.

I esperiencd sompm similar wit my parents. My moms sufferd from MAMANOIA, ocourse! Back when I livd wit my parents, there wunt no innernet. But my dads usta talk like evry part o th big metrapolitan city we livd in, cept fer are own lil block, was like a WAR ZONE! Like t th north was Mosul. An t th west was Mogadishu. An t th south an east was alla BosniaHercegovina!

One time when I was ridin a bus home from sckool -- collidge I mean, I wunt no kid -- there was some road cnstruction bein done on a bridg that the bus usualy go over, an that requird that the bus make a long detoor. Rathr than sit thru that, I got off th bus an walkt accross that bridge an then caught the bus Ida had t transer to anyhow. When I tol my ol man that I done that, he lookt at me real serios an said, "Joe, dont EVER tell yer mothr what you jus told me!" Like sheda fainted or hadda stroke if sheda nown how INDANGERD her babyd been that day! Like Ida endid up in Judgment Nite, wit Denis Leery an is punks tryin rlentlesly t do me in.

Thats PAPANOIA and MAMANOIA for ya!

My parents are both ded now. Id gladly put up wit there noias now, if I had da choise!

HissyFitz said...

joey: Wow, what a funny way to tell a pretty touching story! Several things have happened recently, to me and others, that have made me wonder what it's gonna take for me to realize that I need to make some changes and have more appreciation for what I've got now: my parents. Thanks for helping me to see that.

HissyFitz said...

chriswoznitza: Greetings to you..from Hawaii :)

Joey Polanski said...

Yes, a mommy an a daddy! I woonta been born no other way!

-Tommy said...

Somebody mention internet freaks? I hoid Joey P was here so I thought I'd check in and see if anybody needed a hand. Looks okay to - heeeeyyy, Hawaii looks pretty nice where I'm standing in New York City. Is that a palm tree over there off to the right?

PW: ljtespqc. Hmmm...I'm out. I ain't got one.

-Tommy said...

And if it makes you feel any better, I would have beaten you into traffic if it was my fluffy white cat (whom I never let out of the house.

HissyFitz said...

Aww...I had forgotten about the post about Tommy the cat. Yes, let's keep tight reins on our kitties. But probably not literally; Rocky Raccoon can't stand a cat leash.