Went to sign up for the
Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure today, but discovered that they didn't have any pink shoelaces this year! I've been doing the Race with friends for several years (we walk, not run), and have always looked forward to signing up in person as opposed to online because I could score freebies, including long pink shoelaces that
Rocky Raccoon loves.
Had to break the news to Rocky today that the mall that had been providing them no longer does so. Bummer, because I accidentally vacuumed up one a few months ago so Rocky's left with just one. And if you have a pet, you know how the last of any toy can up and disappear any time without warning.
Here he is enjoying the last of the pink shoelaces tonight.

Is he really partial to th COLOR? Or do th pink ones TASTE bettr?
I'm not really sure, but he dragged it into another room today to munch on it some more.
Darnit, Blogger won't let me put the picture here. Well, you just have to imagine him flossing his nearly-toothless mouth with it.
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