the white cat who was hit by the pick-up truck
I finally had the nerve to ask my mother to finish telling me about the cat she and another woman had found lying near the median where she walked.
She said that the owner who came out and recognized it as her cat cradled its head and said softly, "Oh, Tommy, Tommy...I'm so sorry..."
If that was my baby-cat, I would have wailed to the heavens, then run out into the traffic. But that's just me.
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Hurricane Katrina tragedy
f*cken looters are just making it worse
I only know one person living in Louisiana, and, thankfully, he and his wife and doggie are safe. They're in Shreveport, which wasn't affected, but, ohmygosh, New Orleans may not recover for years.
The stories coming out of Mississippi and New Orleans are just terrible. And all the thousands of poor people who lost their homes and took shelter in the broken-down Superdome who will have to move (or have moved already) to the Astrodome in Texas...nearly 25,000, ohmy. They're saying they could be there for weeks..!
Yeah, I just said in the entry below that human tragedies don't affect me as much as sad animal tales, but I guess I lied. The story of the woman whose common-law husband died while she was out trying to get help and the difficulty she had getting assistance with taking his body to the morgue; the suffering and loss; and just about every article I read in the papers is almost too heartbreaking to take. (I rarely watch TV so haven't seen much in the way of disaster footage, thank goodness.)
But the looters breaking into stores and even hospitals, and crazies who are robbing and attacking people as needy as they are, should be shot by those in authority who also seem to be losing control as well as their grasp of what's right and wrong. Oh, never mind, it seems that they're already been shooting it out.
People need to fr*cken BEHAVE and HELP each other, dammit! Tragedies can bring out the worst in human nature. But, as in the case of 9/11, it can also bring out the best. Maybe the media is focusing on mostly the worst, for some reason, but I feel like people are truly taking advantage of the situation. I mean, what the hell are they going to do with so many TVs, shoes, iPods, whatever??
Want to help ? I was hoping there'd be a nifty little PayPal link like there was for 9/11 donations, but I didn't see one yet. But there is this (
I only know one person living in Louisiana, and, thankfully, he and his wife and doggie are safe. They're in Shreveport, which wasn't affected, but, ohmygosh, New Orleans may not recover for years.
The stories coming out of Mississippi and New Orleans are just terrible. And all the thousands of poor people who lost their homes and took shelter in the broken-down Superdome who will have to move (or have moved already) to the Astrodome in Texas...nearly 25,000, ohmy. They're saying they could be there for weeks..!
Yeah, I just said in the entry below that human tragedies don't affect me as much as sad animal tales, but I guess I lied. The story of the woman whose common-law husband died while she was out trying to get help and the difficulty she had getting assistance with taking his body to the morgue; the suffering and loss; and just about every article I read in the papers is almost too heartbreaking to take. (I rarely watch TV so haven't seen much in the way of disaster footage, thank goodness.)
But the looters breaking into stores and even hospitals, and crazies who are robbing and attacking people as needy as they are, should be shot by those in authority who also seem to be losing control as well as their grasp of what's right and wrong. Oh, never mind, it seems that they're already been shooting it out.
People need to fr*cken BEHAVE and HELP each other, dammit! Tragedies can bring out the worst in human nature. But, as in the case of 9/11, it can also bring out the best. Maybe the media is focusing on mostly the worst, for some reason, but I feel like people are truly taking advantage of the situation. I mean, what the hell are they going to do with so many TVs, shoes, iPods, whatever??
Want to help ? I was hoping there'd be a nifty little PayPal link like there was for 9/11 donations, but I didn't see one yet. But there is this (
Monday, August 29, 2005
Kept trying to tell her to stop
I'll find out more..when I can take it
I was at my mother's house and she started to tell me about her walk back from the mall today. She saw something on the street across the bank, right where the median started. As she approached, the object came clearer into view and she realized it was a large white cat, perfectly still. Lying there. With its eyes open.
It was still warm.
I told her to stop telling me any more, that I didn't want to hear.
She continued, said it didn't look injured at all, and told how a woman made a U-turn in the street, parked, and came over. The woman told her that she had just seen a white pick-up truck hit the cat and not even slow down as it left the scene. The woman pulled the cat by its feet to the side of the road and said she'd take it home to give it a decent burial. My mother said a little prayer for it and told it that it was loved.
I backed away and told her to stop talking. She asked, "Why? It's reality." I didn't need reality and walked quickly to the door.
She spoke faster and louder as I was making my escape, saying that another woman from across the street came out to see what was going on. In a heavy accent, the woman told them that the cat looked like hers.
I rushed for the door and was halfway out.
The woman turned the cat over and confirmed that it was.
I screamed as I slammed the door shut.
Breathless and freaked, I rushed home to Rocky Raccoon and told he never was to go out of the house ever again because there are people in white pickup trucks who kill cats. And I hugged and cried on him 'til he couldn't stand it.
It's been hours, and it was still difficult to type this tonight. Kinda hard with tears streaming down your face.
I'll have to ask my mom for the rest of the story..when I'm strong enough to hear it. (She's annoyed with me that I ran out on her.) Tragic tales about humans don't affect me the way animal stories do. Don't bother telling me, I've always know that my priorities were screwed.

Rocky Raccoon, JUST RESTING, as I blog
I was at my mother's house and she started to tell me about her walk back from the mall today. She saw something on the street across the bank, right where the median started. As she approached, the object came clearer into view and she realized it was a large white cat, perfectly still. Lying there. With its eyes open.
It was still warm.
I told her to stop telling me any more, that I didn't want to hear.
She continued, said it didn't look injured at all, and told how a woman made a U-turn in the street, parked, and came over. The woman told her that she had just seen a white pick-up truck hit the cat and not even slow down as it left the scene. The woman pulled the cat by its feet to the side of the road and said she'd take it home to give it a decent burial. My mother said a little prayer for it and told it that it was loved.
I backed away and told her to stop talking. She asked, "Why? It's reality." I didn't need reality and walked quickly to the door.
She spoke faster and louder as I was making my escape, saying that another woman from across the street came out to see what was going on. In a heavy accent, the woman told them that the cat looked like hers.
I rushed for the door and was halfway out.
The woman turned the cat over and confirmed that it was.
I screamed as I slammed the door shut.
Breathless and freaked, I rushed home to Rocky Raccoon and told he never was to go out of the house ever again because there are people in white pickup trucks who kill cats. And I hugged and cried on him 'til he couldn't stand it.
It's been hours, and it was still difficult to type this tonight. Kinda hard with tears streaming down your face.
I'll have to ask my mom for the rest of the story..when I'm strong enough to hear it. (She's annoyed with me that I ran out on her.) Tragic tales about humans don't affect me the way animal stories do. Don't bother telling me, I've always know that my priorities were screwed.
Rocky Raccoon, JUST RESTING, as I blog
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Safety Information
"This product should not be used on swollen or inflamed areas or skin eruptions. Do not use on unexplained calf pain. Consult a physician. "
Why would one use it on calf pain? And why is it so expensive? Ah, must be the remote control feature..
Before you think less (or more) of me, I know nothing about this product, just found the link on another blog.
Why would one use it on calf pain? And why is it so expensive? Ah, must be the remote control feature..
Before you think less (or more) of me, I know nothing about this product, just found the link on another blog.
Friday, August 26, 2005
What. A. Week.
Re-entry back to school was more difficult than in past years, but then, I knew it would be. I was just trying to avoid the inevitable.
Our school is undergoing renovations, which means every little specks in classrooms (and computer labs!) need to be boxed and removed, then unceremoniously crammed back in. Students and teachers have to be relocated, and oftentimes, doubled up in their temporary quarters.
Boxes, furniture, and equipment end up where they shouldn't. The most important items go missing.
Fingernails get broken :(
Our lab is still a maze of boxes and computer parts, and I lug in my laptop every day because while we've helped to set up teachers in their classrooms, we're still a mess ourselves in the lab.
On top of everything, some very disturbing events have unfolded. A rep at a large computer retail store (can you say 'dumbass CompUSA' ??) dropped the ball and may have caused us to lose over $36K in Federal technology monies, which we've been dependent on for the last couple of years. You don't f*ck around with Federal grants, and I've always made sure every thing was proper to the last decimal place, but after today's revelation, I was wondering just how much trouble we could be in.
sidster wondered tonight if I'd have to go to jail.
Our school is undergoing renovations, which means every little specks in classrooms (and computer labs!) need to be boxed and removed, then unceremoniously crammed back in. Students and teachers have to be relocated, and oftentimes, doubled up in their temporary quarters.
Boxes, furniture, and equipment end up where they shouldn't. The most important items go missing.
Fingernails get broken :(
Our lab is still a maze of boxes and computer parts, and I lug in my laptop every day because while we've helped to set up teachers in their classrooms, we're still a mess ourselves in the lab.
On top of everything, some very disturbing events have unfolded. A rep at a large computer retail store (can you say 'dumbass CompUSA' ??) dropped the ball and may have caused us to lose over $36K in Federal technology monies, which we've been dependent on for the last couple of years. You don't f*ck around with Federal grants, and I've always made sure every thing was proper to the last decimal place, but after today's revelation, I was wondering just how much trouble we could be in.
sidster wondered tonight if I'd have to go to jail.
Friday, August 19, 2005
Back to the grind
Or How I Spent the Last Week of My Summer Vacation
School will start for students on Tuesday, but you wouldn't think so by the state of some of the classrooms undergoing renovation. Most of the boxes and computers are stacked up in the lab (where I live), but the furniture is still out in the hall, interior painting isn't done (and might not ever be since the painters walked off the job a few days ago), and everything is covered with a layer of paint dust and other debris. At least we got our lights hooked up yesterday.
*Sigh* I'm not enjoying the craziness at work, but it's good to be back home to my own old house and my own mellow fat cat. Freakazoid Frankie kitty is the most aggressive, chomp-crazy feline I've ever met. I've got the bite marks and scratches to prove it. Lucky thing for him that he's cute and tiny.
Seeing Butch live was pretty much everything I expected it to be, and it was great to be able to sneak down to the floor section and sit with a fellow fan the second night. I'll definitely need to go to one of his headlining tours when the timing is right. It's not aways easy to just fly off to the mainland during the work week.
While I didn't go shopping much, I did stop by some places I've always thought Hawaii could use: Ikea, Olive Garden, and of course, Trader Joe's. On Sunday we met up with my brother at The Grove, which is a cool collection of stores, restaurants, and a theater (similar to Universal City Walk, but a little more upscale). Right next to The Grove is the historic Farmer's Market; a maze of vendors, various ethnic restaurants, and little shops.
Krispy Kreme gives out entire doughnuts as samples when their Hot Doughnuts Now sign is lit.
Movie ticket prices are $10 in LA. Gas is even more expensive than here, but varies widely, even within gas stations across the street from each other.
LA drivers have got to be the worst. Well, maybe not as bad as the crazies in big cities on the East Coast. I've gained a new appreciation for our safe-but-slow Hawaii drivers.
Smog sucks.

School will start for students on Tuesday, but you wouldn't think so by the state of some of the classrooms undergoing renovation. Most of the boxes and computers are stacked up in the lab (where I live), but the furniture is still out in the hall, interior painting isn't done (and might not ever be since the painters walked off the job a few days ago), and everything is covered with a layer of paint dust and other debris. At least we got our lights hooked up yesterday.
*Sigh* I'm not enjoying the craziness at work, but it's good to be back home to my own old house and my own mellow fat cat. Freakazoid Frankie kitty is the most aggressive, chomp-crazy feline I've ever met. I've got the bite marks and scratches to prove it. Lucky thing for him that he's cute and tiny.
Seeing Butch live was pretty much everything I expected it to be, and it was great to be able to sneak down to the floor section and sit with a fellow fan the second night. I'll definitely need to go to one of his headlining tours when the timing is right. It's not aways easy to just fly off to the mainland during the work week.
While I didn't go shopping much, I did stop by some places I've always thought Hawaii could use: Ikea, Olive Garden, and of course, Trader Joe's. On Sunday we met up with my brother at The Grove, which is a cool collection of stores, restaurants, and a theater (similar to Universal City Walk, but a little more upscale). Right next to The Grove is the historic Farmer's Market; a maze of vendors, various ethnic restaurants, and little shops.
Krispy Kreme gives out entire doughnuts as samples when their Hot Doughnuts Now sign is lit.
Movie ticket prices are $10 in LA. Gas is even more expensive than here, but varies widely, even within gas stations across the street from each other.
LA drivers have got to be the worst. Well, maybe not as bad as the crazies in big cities on the East Coast. I've gained a new appreciation for our safe-but-slow Hawaii drivers.
Smog sucks.
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Reliving the moment(s)
Sifted through the hundreds of Butch pictures
My camera isn't the greatest for taking pictures in the evening from far distances, but I did manage to get a few decent ones from the hundreds I took.

My camera isn't the greatest for taking pictures in the evening from far distances, but I did manage to get a few decent ones from the hundreds I took.
I thought this would cure me
I was sort of hoping that once I got to see Butch in person I'd be cured of my obsession, but it didn't turn out that way. Eight songs is not enough. Two brief concerts is not enough. Most of all, I need to have a better picture of us together. The first night we were told we couldn't take pictures while in line, so snunk this one in.

On the second night we got smarter, but my camera wasn't cooperating and I was frantically urging my friend to take the darn shot already! because the staff/rent-a-cop was telling me to hurry and move on.

Butch is great. He answered my questions, signed my stuff, even spoke on the phone to a fan in Hawaii when her friend (with whom I sat on the second night) asked him to.
On the second night we got smarter, but my camera wasn't cooperating and I was frantically urging my friend to take the darn shot already! because the staff/rent-a-cop was telling me to hurry and move on.
Butch is great. He answered my questions, signed my stuff, even spoke on the phone to a fan in Hawaii when her friend (with whom I sat on the second night) asked him to.
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
*cough* *cough*
monitor on airplane
I don't remember LA being so smoggy before. About 10 minutes out of the airport my eyes actually began to burn and I have a sore throat. Haven't slept for about 30 hours (that might have something to do with it), but I'm here!
Saw some big@ss crows (we don't have such critters in Hawaii) and played w/a freakazoid kitty. When my friend comes back from work we'll need to go shopping for provisions (gotta check out Trader Joe's Two Buck Chucks) and basic necessities this bachelor pad is missing. I discovered a huge jug of Captain Morgan's Spiced Rum in his fridge, probably from the last time I was here, years ago. All I need for a party now is OJ and cranberry juice!
Monday, August 08, 2005
Gotta be a good sign
Gap's free iTunes song promotion started today, and just swung by on my way as I went to the bank. Figured I'd just try on a pair and get the card for the free iTunes song.
I was rushing in, but the music playing stopped dead in my tracks -- it was Butch's "Maybe It's Just Me"!! A salesgirl greeted me and asked me how I was doing, and I couldn't help but gush that I suddenly was having a great day because I'll be leaving to go to his concerts and no one plays Butch since no one knows who he is... She must've thought I was nuts :)
But not only did I try on a pair of jeans, I decided to get them (and used my 10% coupon, to boot). I hope I can hem them NOW and wear them on the plane and at at the concert!
That's the iTunes card sitting on my brand new jeans below.

I was rushing in, but the music playing stopped dead in my tracks -- it was Butch's "Maybe It's Just Me"!! A salesgirl greeted me and asked me how I was doing, and I couldn't help but gush that I suddenly was having a great day because I'll be leaving to go to his concerts and no one plays Butch since no one knows who he is... She must've thought I was nuts :)
But not only did I try on a pair of jeans, I decided to get them (and used my 10% coupon, to boot). I hope I can hem them NOW and wear them on the plane and at at the concert!
That's the iTunes card sitting on my brand new jeans below.
Saturday, August 06, 2005
I should start to pack
But not really in the mood
The event I'd been looking forward to for months and was going to end my summer with a bang has petered out and fizzled.
I really should start packing for my trip, but can't seem to summon up the energy. I'm usually excited when I go on vacation, but am actually now dreading the upcoming week. Oh, I'll still get to see Butch in concert. Alone. Well, with about 5000 others, about 4500 of them screaming Avril fan preteenies.

The event I'd been looking forward to for months and was going to end my summer with a bang has petered out and fizzled.
I really should start packing for my trip, but can't seem to summon up the energy. I'm usually excited when I go on vacation, but am actually now dreading the upcoming week. Oh, I'll still get to see Butch in concert. Alone. Well, with about 5000 others, about 4500 of them screaming Avril fan preteenies.
Friday, August 05, 2005
Another concert: Collective Soul
September 11, 2005
Collective Soul will perform here on Sept. 11 in a concert benefiting the Windows of Hope Family Relief Fund. [The Fund was formed after 9/11 to provide aid to families of the World Trade Center victims who worked in the food, beverage, and hospitality professions at the WTC. Heather Ho, who grew up in Hawaii, was one of those who died in the attack.]
I've always liked Collective Soul, and while I did see them in concert a few years ago at the Kaneohe Bayfest, I'd love to check 'em out again at Pipeline Cafe. I've got their earlier CDs and a few songs from their latest, but didn't realize they're from Georgia, just like my latest obsession. No wonder Butch performed on their song "Over Tokyo" (Blender, 2000). Gotta dig that one out now...

Collective Soul will perform here on Sept. 11 in a concert benefiting the Windows of Hope Family Relief Fund. [The Fund was formed after 9/11 to provide aid to families of the World Trade Center victims who worked in the food, beverage, and hospitality professions at the WTC. Heather Ho, who grew up in Hawaii, was one of those who died in the attack.]
I've always liked Collective Soul, and while I did see them in concert a few years ago at the Kaneohe Bayfest, I'd love to check 'em out again at Pipeline Cafe. I've got their earlier CDs and a few songs from their latest, but didn't realize they're from Georgia, just like my latest obsession. No wonder Butch performed on their song "Over Tokyo" (Blender, 2000). Gotta dig that one out now...
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Summer vacation coming to an end
Thank goodness.
I know I'm an ingrate, but this was the first time I felt that my summer vacation was too long. It'll be my last of the long summer breaks, since all public schools will be on the same modified schedule next year. In fact, next year's transition will make the summer break of 2006 the shortest one ever (June 8 - July 27). Yeah, I know that's still long for anyone who doesn't get school-related time off. Sorry.
So you'd have thunk I'd take advantage of it. But no, I squandered it away.
I didn't work out, wasn't too productive, didn't solve any world problems. Just took care of the usual appointments and chores that are easier to do during time off, but pretty much let most of the summer slip through my fingers. I'm actually feeling guilty because I usually work during the summer and take classes, but the couple of classes and work I did from home this summer didn't amount to all that much.
Gonna end it on a high note, though. My girlfriend and I will replace our Starbucks Saturday with a "happy hour" at a nearby beach, then I'll fly off for my two Butch Walker concerts in LA.
New development tonight: Just found out I might have to find my own way to the concerts. Very sad since I wanted to share the experience, but I'm being pressured to do something I can't do. Someone's bound to regret this...
I know I'm an ingrate, but this was the first time I felt that my summer vacation was too long. It'll be my last of the long summer breaks, since all public schools will be on the same modified schedule next year. In fact, next year's transition will make the summer break of 2006 the shortest one ever (June 8 - July 27). Yeah, I know that's still long for anyone who doesn't get school-related time off. Sorry.
So you'd have thunk I'd take advantage of it. But no, I squandered it away.
I didn't work out, wasn't too productive, didn't solve any world problems. Just took care of the usual appointments and chores that are easier to do during time off, but pretty much let most of the summer slip through my fingers. I'm actually feeling guilty because I usually work during the summer and take classes, but the couple of classes and work I did from home this summer didn't amount to all that much.
Gonna end it on a high note, though. My girlfriend and I will replace our Starbucks Saturday with a "happy hour" at a nearby beach, then I'll fly off for my two Butch Walker concerts in LA.
New development tonight: Just found out I might have to find my own way to the concerts. Very sad since I wanted to share the experience, but I'm being pressured to do something I can't do. Someone's bound to regret this...
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
When you care enough to send the very best*
..of your cheating heart
The new Secret Lover Collection of greeting cards is exclusively for people having affairs.
Evidently there's a large enough market for these. I'm rolling my eyes and shaking my head too much to think of anything else to say.
* apologies to Hallmark
The new Secret Lover Collection of greeting cards is exclusively for people having affairs.
Evidently there's a large enough market for these. I'm rolling my eyes and shaking my head too much to think of anything else to say.
* apologies to Hallmark
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