Monday, October 03, 2005


I might be a little riled up today..

.. but things just seem to keep on HAPPENING!

Someone (inadvertently??) deleted files on the Public partition of one of our school's servers this afternoon. It must've taken a while, and at some point that person must've known something wasn't right.

This whole school year is just not proceeding well. School-wide renovations definitely add to the mix, but other rather important things are falling through. Man, we've only been in session for about a month and a half and already we're squinting for the light at the end of the tunnel.

Old hardware is driving me batty. Printers might be the death of me. Poor teachers. They're the ones having to put up with inconveniences; we're just trying to ease them. Thank goodness I have "real" techie guy that works part-time. But the straw that broke the camel's back might've landed on him last week.


Joey Polanski said...

I alwas have a sneekin sspicion that whatevr gets dleted aint never REALY dleted. All the drunkin lov letters, all th dirty pitchers, evrything is recoverble, if only ya use all the rite secrit formyalas in all the rite order.

P.S. If th straw that fell on yer tech wiz alredy broke a camels back, I woont hold out much hope for im. Whare can I send th flowrs?

HissyFitz said...

Well, I backed up that directory before school started and it turned out that not many people were using it yet, so things aren't as dire as it seemed. The culprit emailed to admit his accidental wrong-doing. He's new. Man, we have to educate ppl..but better yet, we need to get security measures in place.

My tech whiz hasn't come in to work yet, so I can't be sure if the straw did him in or not. I'll find out tmrw.