A couple of years ago when I almost bought a Mazda RX-8, I thought that would be it, but since I couldn't see out of sides of the darn thing, it didn't count. Buying my purty little Scion TC coupe last year (no, not the ugly Kleenex box model) doesn't quite qualify, because even though it's from Toyota's "youth-marketed division", it didn't cost an arm and a leg as mid-life crisis objects are supposed to cost. In fact, that's why I bought it. I've never had to put up w/car payments and wanted to find a car I could pay in full. Couldn't do that w/the Mazda MX-8, even if I was able to see out of it.
Darnit. Maybe spending almost $800 on three upcoming Eagles concerts counts? Nah, those guys are even older than I am, and I've spent much more to see them before, so that doesn't qualify.
A sudden, major change would do it. I did get my hair colored professionally for the first time today (woohoo!) -- but that was because I had tried to use a medium brown on my dark brown hair two weeks ago and ended up with an interesting mix of medium brown/dark brown/red highlights and I wanted her to even it out. In this day and age when everyone seems to be going blondish, the most daring I can be is going a teensy bit less dark brown.
Here's a picture taken earlier this week at a friend's birthday dinner, in all my waiting-for-mid-life-crisis glory. Can't even tell I tried to lighten my hair on my own. And, yeah, I realize I'm putting my pic up here for something like the fourth time, but I don't worry about it, even though my parents might. (See two posts below.)
There was no significant difference after getting it professionally colored/balanced today. Should I have gotten a mohawk while I was there?
Going light brown and getting blond highlights is so common, too many Asians are doing that nowadays (yeah, like that looks natural), and I don't want to be one of the crowd. Same reason I bought my car; it was different at the time. Hardly anyone had one back then because it was too new. Everyone was telling me to get a Camry, but that is so a teacher car and is over-represented here. I wanted to be unique, if just for a little while.
So what can I do to celebrate my overdue mid-year crisis? Get a 20-something boy toy? (No thanks.) Go sky diving? (Don't want to be strapped to a stranger.) Buy shoes? (Do that all the time. In fact, bought a pair of cute, pointed-toe boots today that I may never wear.)
The caption under your picture should read: Face...cracking...under...massive weight...of encroaching ...midlife...must...buy...something...frivolous...tacky...and...embarrasing...must...try to...regain..control of...facial...mu...scles...*
I've always found gadgetry does the trick. A new iPod praps? Also, over $800 on Eagles tickets? Dude, put the credit card down and back away from the computer...
PW: "hushbbrt" What Earnie says under the covers after it's over and the afterglow converstion starts...Ew, yes, but I finally got one I could use!
Durin yer midlife crisis, ya might considr takin a potery class. Youll be glad t have so much extra stuff t brake when menapozz hits.
tom: Gadgets are always a good thing. I might get a black nano iPod just because it's so cute, but don't need it. I rarely use my U2 iPod as it is. But if I do, they'll have each other for company, and will look so purty/color-coordinated.
Great interpretation of the WV!
joey: I don't think I'll need the extra stuff to break since I refuse to participate in the big "M" in the way most ppl do. It'll just come and go one day without me noticing it. That's my plan, anyway.
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