Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Should I?

It's been over a year since I've worked out at a "real" gym. I did join one of those "ladies circuit training" thingies, and in the beginning went home to work out with weights afterwards because it really didn't do the trick, but I've since let everything lapse. Everything.

I joined Gold's Gym five years ago because that was a, well, pivotal year. Five years later, it's more than pivotal, it's critical. I need help and I'm too undisciplined to do it myself, even though I have pretty much all I need at home, if I weren't so lazy.

What I need is to pay a trainer IN ADVANCE like I used to, so I'd be sure to show up. Otherwise it'd be way too easy to blow off the session. But I've just spent a semi-tidy sum on three Eagles tickets and will soon pay for a year's worth of chiro visits (way more expensive than Eagles tickets), so don't know if I'm willing to do this.

Any excuse. I know. I hate to go to the gym, but once I'm there I'm OK. I just hate having to show up. Dunno why.

Emailed my former trainer tonight. We'll see. I 'm not overly anxious to resume, but have been very lazy in the past months and could use some help..before my Eagles concerts in November. It sucks getting old.


Joey Polanski said...


Thanks fer checkin out and comentin on my blogski! Theres more wordsawisdom t come over there, so I hope t here more from ya!

By th way, yer the HissyFitz who paintd that grate pitcher o Doc Murk over on his blog, aintcha? That weerded me out bigtime! You paint like a ol paintin teecher I usta have who usta scare the bjezuz outta me.

Ya paint any more pitchers lately?

Joey Polanski said...

And as fer werkin out,I got th ideel solution for ya! You dont mind the werkout but ya just hate showin up, right? Okay, so ya pick a gym thats reel far away from yer house and ya make a pointa walkin there everyday, and walkin back home agin witout ever goin in! Ya get yer werkout by goin t th gym, BUT YA NEVER ATCHUALLY SHOW UP!

Christopher said...

Hey, Fitzy. Those circuit training ladies only places are gimicks. Here's what I suggest...

A rewards system. Every time you go to the Gym, give yourself a reward. Mine is copious amounts of food and alcohol.

Or, beat yourself about the head with a dirty rodent. It won't help you get to the gym, but it will get you noticed. Pray, fast, cleanse by fire, repeat. It's the key to self immolation.

HissyFitz said...

joey: Nope, I'm not the same HissyFitz you refer to (you mean someone else goes by my name?!). In fact, I never heard of Dr. Murk til you mentioned him, so I visited his blog tonight...

dr murk: Whoa. Visited Hill TV and roamed around a bit after reading your plea for visitors. Very interesting, waaay funny!

joey & dr murk: Thanks for the very helpful tips to help me get my butt in gear and exercise. joey's suggestion would work, if I weren't so lazy and only wanted to excercise my bottom half. It appeals to the cheapskate in me, tho. I like dr murk's reward system, but can do without the dead-rodent-head-beating.

Joey Polanski said...

DANG! Now I got a mystery on my hans! Somehow I ended up wit yer blog bookmarked -- I mean from somtime LONG AGO. I figgerd I musta linked to yer profile page from Doc Murks blog back when that paintin showd up. But you aint never been t Murks World bfore tday, so how coud THAT be? HMMM ...

Good o you t visit the good Doc. I was beginin t worry bout him. I mean I no he aint got no heart, but sompm seemd broken in im, ya no?

Lotsa luck wit da xrcize! Keep runnin back n forth between Murks World and the Joey Polanski Show an youll soon be fit -- fit t be TIED!