Saturday, June 11, 2005

Spell-check, for God's sake!

Guess I'm a Grammar Police wannabe

Yeah, I've been known to make helpful corrections on signs that are incorrectly written in grocery and other stores. Spelling, grammar, and other errors on publicly-viewed documents and signage just irks me, sorry. (One of my favorite books is the hilarious #1 British bestseller entitled Eats, Shoots and Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation!)

The internet is as publicly-viewed you can get, so why the heck don't people put in a little more effort into reviewing what they're posting before clicking on the submit button? Take those online friends and dating sites, for example. Do some people even know (or care) that the pages they created to advertise themselves are riddled with errors? I mean, what kind of impression does that give others?

Yeah, you're probably thinking that the guys who go to those pages don't bother to read so don't ever see the errors, which is very true, and leads me to a related annoyance: Guys just reply to pages if they like the pictures. It's so obvious that they don't read, since even I get messages from guys even though I say all over my page that I won't be replying to anyone. (I'm just there for Butch pics and news.)

But the another thing that bothers me (ok, I'm easily annoyed) is people who don't post recent pictures on those sites. I personally know people who try to pass off photos that are 20+ years old. ohmygawd. Like the 80s look won't be noticeable. Be honest, dammit. It'll catch up with you, anyway.

You know what I think those people oughtta do: blog. Interesting phenomenon, but the more you blog, the more honest and open you get. Just gotta be careful not to say anything you might regret tomorrow.


EDIT 6/13: And I did regret putting this entry up, so changed it to protect the innocent (and spelling/grammar impaired).

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