Wednesday, June 15, 2005


Or more likely, SAVE a cat

June is actually Adopt-a-Cat month, but for some of us it's Save-a-Cat-From-Dying month. As sidster pulled in to to replace his front brakes yesterday, the mechanic thought the squeaky sound he heard came from said brakes. Turns out there was a sad little kitty mewing nearby, which sidster volunteered to take to the vet. He's not a cat person -- yet.

To make a longish story short, between long-distance phone calls to me, advice from the pet store, and discussions with co-workers (I insisted he take it to work since there was absolutely no way he could leave it all alone when it's not even able to feed itself yet), he learned about the care, feeding, and "elimination-assisting" of a baby catsicle.


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