Sunday, March 26, 2006

Between the rainstorms

an excuse to take pictures

The end of April will mark a year since I started blogging. It feels longer than that, and I've yet to find my groove. I can yammer on only so much about Rocky Raccoon, Apple computers, the bands I like, and the occasional personal/topical/news-related comment, before I run dry for weeks at a time. I wouldn't think about dissing work, and always keep in mind that my parents, some colleagues, and even my brother if I ask often enough, actually check in (tho rarely comment!!) once in a while.

I don't have a killer sense of humor, a controversial slant on politics, or even kids to write about. I don't live an exciting life filled with crazy highs and despairing lows..hmm, maybe there's the problem. I don't really have much of a life.

Yet I will muddle on, but, as someone commented recently, I've been in an unusual posting frenzy. (But he also called me a sporadic blogger, which is closer to the truth.) Digital cameras are so nifty. Photoshop is even cooler. And when you have nothing to say, hopefully a half-decent picture or two will fill the bill.

Here's the latest from today, in between rainstorms:



Joey Polanski said...

A person dont cllect 21 sidekick shotglasses from Chilis witout havin SOME kinda life, Hiss!

Nock back a few Gran Marniers an THEN sit down an post sompm!

HissyFitz said...

And what kind of life os that? I'm not a collector, so I must be a drinker? :)

BTW, probably 80% of my posts were done under some sort of mild influence. I don't have Grand Marnier in the house, but I do like my wine.

Funny how it was just last summer when I posted about my blogging inferiority-syndrome.

HissyFitz said...

Hey! I think that's when I started my taste test between blog sites!

Joey Polanski said...

From what I seen, Hiss, Im pretty sure that if ya push da rite buttns, youll go from Cathy t Patty inna bout 0.2 seckons!

Alls itd take is probly some kinda mention o Elvis or th Eagles.