Friday, March 10, 2006

21 shots

of Grand Marnier


Do you recognize these? They're little sidekicks from Chili's, you know, the little chili-shaped plastic shot "glasses" that dangle precariously from the rims of Chili's margarita mugs. My shot of choice is always Grand Marnier. I savor its sweet, velvety goodness by sticking the end of the straw in it, pressing my finger on the top, and sucking the mmmyummy (40% alcohol!) nectar, which is barely enough to coat my tongue. This way I usually manage to make it last longer than the margarita itself (on the rocks, never blended), which, to me, is incidental. No way would I unceremoniously toss the shot in as suggested. Unfortunately, because I take so damn long to finish them, at least a few sidekicks have been knocked off by people wielding menus or carelessly reaching for something. So sad.

I've also forgotten to take a few home with me when I was done, but, as you can tell, I've frequented Chili's enough to round up a pretty good collection. Brought home the 21st tonight. I don't go there often, and don't go there for the food.

Never got around to doing what I said I'd do: take 'em out of my kitchen drawer where they've lived for probably a couple of years, fill them with red and green water, and hang 'em up at Christmas.

I'd like to put them to some fun, tacky use. Any suggestions?


Joey Polanski said...

Okay, Hiss, I always suspecktd it, but now Im sure of it.


Youre weird!

P.S. My sugjestion fer what t do wit de ol sidekickrs: String em tgether an make a necklace outta em. Wear it nex time ya go t Chilis. Bet th patronsll all get down on their nees an wership ya like some kinda warrier-queen!

HissyFitz said...

If you think that's weird, wonder what you'd think of my collection of wigs for cats.

Joey Polanski said...



Wanna try fer WEIRDEST?