Thursday, August 04, 2005

Summer vacation coming to an end

Thank goodness.

I know I'm an ingrate, but this was the first time I felt that my summer vacation was too long. It'll be my last of the long summer breaks, since all public schools will be on the same modified schedule next year. In fact, next year's transition will make the summer break of 2006 the shortest one ever (June 8 - July 27). Yeah, I know that's still long for anyone who doesn't get school-related time off. Sorry.

So you'd have thunk I'd take advantage of it. But no, I squandered it away.

I didn't work out, wasn't too productive, didn't solve any world problems. Just took care of the usual appointments and chores that are easier to do during time off, but pretty much let most of the summer slip through my fingers. I'm actually feeling guilty because I usually work during the summer and take classes, but the couple of classes and work I did from home this summer didn't amount to all that much.

Gonna end it on a high note, though. My girlfriend and I will replace our Starbucks Saturday with a "happy hour" at a nearby beach, then I'll fly off for my two Butch Walker concerts in LA.

New development tonight: Just found out I might have to find my own way to the concerts. Very sad since I wanted to share the experience, but I'm being pressured to do something I can't do. Someone's bound to regret this...

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