Friday, April 14, 2006

Geezer needed assistance

I like words and don't like them to change meanings on me without warning. Lately I've been reading and hearing "random" used more and more often (hey, I don't hang with the cool kids, and I work at an elementary school on a military base in the middle of the Pacific Ocean where slang usually arrives on our shores late), so when I tried to explain its "new" meaning to another person last night, I needed some help. Turns out the definition is pretty random itself, according to, ranging from "irrelevant", "unrelated", and "unexpected", to something said "out of the blue by mindless teenagers". Several posts reflected these opinions:

"For the love of God, stop using this word. It's not clever, it's not funny and it's not original. You sound just the same as all the other clone-like teenagers who think they're oh so unique for saying it. Give it a fucking rest." and "Trouble is, being 'random' is predictable, boring, moronic and extremely sad indeed."

OK. So you'll never catch me trying to be hip at the risk of sounding clone-like, not to mention moronic and sad. Not that it ever occurred to me to even try out the word. I can't even speak pidgin properly, and I live in Hawaii where it's pretty much the State Language.

Where DO these things start, anyway?? A lot of new stuff originates from gamers, and those are actually interesting, but what lame-o came up with "random"??

My visit to was enlightening. In fact, I might add its Word of the Day to my blog. Today's is below, which reminds me, I have to revisit my state return because TurboTax took liberties and shortcuts with my information, and I think I could do better manually.

April 14, 2006

A heightened state of excitement or ecstasy over the completion of any facet of the taxation process. Usually experienced by CPAs.

I am so excited about the new tax folders I am having a taxgasm!


Joey Polanski said...

I aint sure what th "new" meanin o 'random' is. My cmplaint is that th werd is OVRUSED in its original meanin. Like in th blogassfear -- just surf a wile an note how many blogs got 'random' eithr in th title or in th little desckriptive blurb. Then note how many have some werd thats closely rlated to 'random' in eithr o them places.

DIAGNOSIS: Most bloggin is self-consciously purpusless.

Joaquin Mattison said...

I think an under used word is "Chuck Norris", it's a noun, verb, anything! It mainly means 'very fatal roundhouse kick'. In fact the Chuck Norris obsession might reach you soon in Hawaii. You should learn more about Chuck Norris at

HissyFitz said...

joey: I never noticed since I don't surf around, but I wonder how many of those uses of "random" is the "new" (stupid) meaning.

salbert: Chuck Norris? Now, he's a geezer :) Personally, I think Jet Li's a better choice, especially since his name already sounds like an adjective.