Friday, April 15, 2005

If you didn't know how old you were..

..How old would you be??

I'd be around 30.

I thought I'd be less, but lately that sounded just too wrong.

Most people I know feel younger than the calendar claims they are. For years now I've said that there must be some clerical error. Sadly, we age faster than we really feel. Some of my same-age friends are at a stage I hope not to be for many years, if not skip the damn thing all together. Yeah, that "M" stage. Still way too early for me, but then, denial has always been my friend.

My other friend is immaturity. I know I'm under its spell. Why else would I pine for BW concerts and other things most of my peers have no interest in? Because I'm fr*cken immature.

I think I was hatched like that. Not having responsibilities that most people do helps, of course.

So how old would you be??

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