Sunday, January 01, 2006

What to do with all these pictures?

For the past few days I've been taking lots of pictures at family gatherings, get-togethers with friends, and, of course, of Rocky Raccoon. I've posted 'em online and forced friends and family to view them, but recently discovered Comic Life which adds a new spin to the process.

click the picture to go to my Comics! page

People have been too nice to tell me that they're sick of cat pictures, but I work with what I've got, and I've a TON of cat pictures! I'll need to broaden my horizons or risk losing friends.


-Tommy said...

So, Fitz, got any nudes?

Nonononononono, just kidding! No, really, I was kidding. I just downloaded the comic life demo. Let's see what kind of damage I can do now!

Happy New Year, kid. Looking forward to a year of your more frequent updates!!


HissyFitz said...

Comic Life is currently for Macs only, so I guess you're a fellow Mac enthusiast, cool!

I'm off to your blog to see what damage, er, creativity you conjured.

-Tommy said...

Macs you say? Now I know why I couldn't use it. Dsmn, I was looking forward to it too.